XeneX Managed SOC for Education

Cybersecurity challenges in K-12 education are significant and multifaceted. The increasing reliance on digital tools for teaching, learning, and administration has exposed schools to various cyber threats. With more digital tools coming online and the increased amount of sensitive data makes schools attractive targets for cybercriminals seeking valuable information for identity theft or ransom.

Reduce Ransomware and enable diverse learning needs

Xenex Managed Services for complete security operations control closes the security gaps and vulnerabilities in hybrid and cloud environments. Providing 24X7x365 monitoring of networks resolves most school district issues of meeting the needs of supporting a resource and time-constraint cybersecturty team.

Secure school networks across assets, locations, and learning modalities

The shift to remote learning, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to the widespread use of personal devices and home networks. Using Xenex for education secures these new school network environments making them difficult targets for cyber attacks

Increase student engagement and interest securely

By working with leading school districts, XeneX is helping to defend against cyber-attacks and ensure educational organizations operate without disruption. XeneX self-learning technology is uniquely capable of learning a ‘pattern of life’, enabling it to detect anomalous activity in real-time with a single pane of glass for visibility. Xenex SOC provides total network management and monitoring, by our team of advanced security experts, providing school district administration with greater operational oversight.

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