Vulnerability Management vs. Risk-based Vulnerability Management vs. Enhanced RBVM

Vulnerability management is a broader term that encompasses the overall process of identifying, assessing, and remediating vulnerabilities. RBVM, on the other hand, is a specific approach that emphasizes risk assessment and prioritization, allowing organizations to allocate their resources effectively by focusing on the vulnerabilities that pose the highest risk to their critical assets. RBVM can be seen as a more targeted and risk-driven extension of the vulnerability management process.  RBVM is typically based on asset values and vulnerability risk based on CVSS score.

Enhanced RBVM takes these concepts to a different level.  Combining enterprise incidents with the RBVM provides a more enhanced visibility of risk.

XeneX provides solutions for vulnerability management, RBVM, or Enhance RBVM based on customers’ needs.  For more information, please visit xenexSOC website.


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XeneX Risk-Based Vulnerability Management (RBVM) benefits.