Best practice for a Security Operations Center (SOC) delivery framework.

A best practice for a Security Operations Center (SOC) delivery framework could include the following elements:

1. Governance and management: Clearly defined roles and responsibilities, policies, and procedures to ensure effective operation of the SOC.

2. Threat intelligence: Continuous collection, analysis, and dissemination of information about the latest threats and vulnerabilities to the organization.

3. Security event management: Automated processes for detecting, investigating, and responding to security incidents in a timely and efficient manner.

4. Incident response plan: A well-defined and tested plan for responding to security incidents, including procedures for communication, escalation, and post-incident review.

5. Security monitoring and analysis: Continuous monitoring of the organization's IT infrastructure, applications, and network for security events and vulnerabilities.

6. Vulnerability management: Regular identification, assessment, and remediation of vulnerabilities to minimize the attack surface.

7. Reporting and communication: Regular reporting of security metrics and incidents to stakeholders, including senior management and customers.

8. Continuous improvement: Regular review and updating of the SOC's processes and procedures to ensure they remain effective and efficient.

Note that this is not an exhaustive list and the specific components of a SOC delivery framework will depend on the size and complexity of the organization and its specific security needs.


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