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How to meet cyber insurance requirements.

Securing a cyber insurance policy has become challenging and the premiums have increased significantly.  These are the typical requirements for cyber insurance:

·         Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

·         Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

·         Immutable Backup and Response

·         Patch Management

·         Security Awareness and Training

·         Cyber Policies

·         External Attack Surface Monitoring and Reporting

XeneX has solved the challenges of obtaining a cyber insurance policy cost effectively.  XeneX customers can now obtain cyber insurance for $1,250 and $2,500 if the customer revenues are $50mm or $100mm respectively, WITHOUT THE NEED TO COMPLETE A CYBRE INSURANCE APPLICATION.  XeneX provides custom pricing for companies with revenues higher than $100mm.  How?  XeneX has been accredited to offer this program to its customers.  Together with the customer, we can certify that the cyber insurance requirements listed above are met.  Please note that customers do not have to buy these services from XeneX to qualify.  But they must be in place to qualify.  If any of the requirements above are not already in place XeneX can help customers to implement them.

For more information, please visit www.xenexSOC.com or contact sales@xenexSOC.com.